Build Your WebLog

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When you are finished building your weblog, please share it with me so I can view your page whenever I need to read a blog post. Do this by sending me an email using the email address that you want me to use to communicate with you. In this email, include the web address (URL) of your weblog.

Workshop One

  1. Please visit
  2. Make an account and check your email to verify your account information;
  3. Domain name: A domain name is what people type into their browser to visit your site. It MUST be one word or a series of words with NO SPACES. The Domain name for the ED100 website is dshutkin100 and the address is
  4. Title, Tag and Icon your blog: My Sites >>Customize>>Site Identity >> Site Title, Tagline (optional) >>Publish [Please include your first name in your Site title]
  5. Make your Blog public: My Sites >>Settings>>>>General>>Privacy>> Save Settings (However, there is no reason for you to compromise your comfort or privacy.  Choose to be as descriptive as you want.  Please do not include telephone numbers or home addresses, etc.)
  6. How to compose and publish a blogpost: Follow the red arrow and click the [WRITE] icon in the upper right corner of your weblog or follow this link to a long and protracted tutorial.  WordPress tutorial –>  [Get Published Create posts…]

How to use the block editor

Workshop Two

  1. Do you have a “Contact” page on your menu?  “Contact” page is a special page that visitors to your blog can use to send you an email.  The email will land in your JCU email in box. If you do not have a default contact page, follow these instructions –> My Sites >> Pages >> [down the left sidebar] >> Add New Page [over to the right and near the top] >> Choose a name such as “send me a letter,” “contact page,”or “email,” etc. Then, click on the black square + and search for and select “Contact Form.”>>Publish.
  2. To edit the primary menu: My Sites>>Customize>>Menus>>Primary menu>>+Add menu item (From the list, add the Blog page and the Contact page)>>Publish;
  3. Adjust your Theme to include a Sidebar:  If your theme does not support sidebars, it’s time to pick a new theme: My Sites>>Themes>>in search bar enter: column:left-sidebar or column:right-sidebar]
  4. Add some Widgets  [Add Widgets to a Sidebar and NOT a Footer.]
    • “Image” : My Sites >>Customize>> Widgets>> Sidebar>> (Select the “Image” widget). Then, upload and edit an image of yourself and title it with your name). Select: done and publish.
    • “Latest Posts”: My Sites >> Themes>>Customize>> Widgets>> Save Settings   (Select the widget and edit the title to reflect the purpose for the widget).  On right column, select “Block” and “Display Post Date,” “Done,” and, “Publish.”
  5. Add some Widgets  [Add Widgets to a Sidebar and NOT a Footer.  If your theme does not support sidebars, it’s time to pick a new theme: My Sites>>Themes>>in search bar enter: column:left-sidebar or column:right-sidebar]

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